Archive for the ‘Technical Section’ Category

Thanks to Jamie from Revel Outdoors I offer you an interesting piece of research. Jamie shared this information on another posting and having studied it carefully, I though it needed a more obvious airing. I must confess I was surprised and will be amending my tyre setup to see how it pans out. whatever your preconceptions, this is a worthwhile read and may be the fastest five minutes you have ever spent.

A few useful resources to help you set up your bike correctly. If you get knee pain, neck pain etc, one or two of these might help you identify what is going on and how to ‘cure’ it. The list is not extensive but these articles may open the door to further research for you.

The importance of correct bike setup

Injury/pain avoidance

Correct saddle height

Correct cleat setup

More cleat setup stuff



Apparently this question vexes some people. Being the non technical person that I am, I had to look it up and here is the answer though I suspect it is aimed more at road cyclists than MTBers.

Tech FAQ: Triple-Shifter with a Double Crank?

Dear Lennard,
Can I adjust a Shimano mountain bike front triple-trigger shifter and front derailleur to work on a double crank?

Dear Steve,
TechWidgetYes you can, as long as you use a mountain front derailleur. If you were to use a road double front derailleur, the throw would be different and it wouldn’t work.

I have set up a 2 X 9 system this way with Shimano MTB derailleurs. I recommend using the first and second clicks to make the chainring shifts, not the second and third clicks. In other words, shorten the cable so the derailleur moves immediately from the smaller chainring when you push the lever.

Readers can send brief technical questions directly to Lennard Zinn.

Technical writer Lennard Zinn is a frame builder (, a former U.S. national team rider and author of numerous books on bikes and bike maintenance including the pair of successful maintenance guides “Zinn and the Art of Mountain Bike Maintenance” – now available also on DVD, and “Zinn and the Art of Road Bike Maintenance,” as well as “Zinn and the Art of Triathlon Bikes” and “Zinn’s Cycling Primer: Maintenance Tips and Skill Building for Cyclists.”

Zinn’s regular column is devoted to addressing readers’ technical questions about bikes, their care and feeding and how we as riders can use them as comfortably and efficiently as possible. Readers can send brief technical questions directly to Zinn.