Back again!

Posted: December 30, 2011 in 2011, General

Hmmm….. ongoing problems with my hosting company means that I will probably be reviving this site so welcome back…if there is anyone left!

I am in the middle of an important series of tasks (bike cleaning) so I’ll be brief. Thanks for reading in 2011. I have a few new ideas for 2012 so I hope to keep the site and the content fresh.

One thought. I was out riding on 27th December. The first trip out for some time as illness sort of kicked me for six again. A gentle XC ride of about 32 miles along bridleways and forest tracks and I was struck by the wonder of Christmas. Religion aside, I pondered on the care people take to buy presents, carefully wrap them for loved ones and do everything they can to preserve the sense of wonder and celebration for the whole family. Specially selected wrapping paper, ribbon and tinsel, it sort of makes you feel cosy and warm….until Christmas is over and idiots take the time and trouble to drive out to quiet, out of the way spots and dump all their Christmas litter on trails, by the side of roads etc. It sort of makes me want to do something to vent my spleen but I don’t know what else to do except have a little rant on here!

Happy New Year by the way!

  1. Moe says:

    ……….. Santon Downham?

  2. kurt broad says:

    Love Christmas! Hate the litter! Stop ruining the countryside you bast*rds!!!

  3. kurt broad says:

    Bilenky Junkyard Cross: A Short Film

    Thought you might like this!!

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